
a student blog to consider issues in education, and other teacher-y things.

Monday 9 January 2012

So ... I've Gotta See a Man About a Fish

The Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle is known for its fish, sure, but moreso for its high energy, motivational workplace philosophy. There are fishmongers there chucking giant whitefish to one another, laughing, kidding around. And what makes it so fun? Certainly not the hours, the working conditions, or, I'm guessing, their wages ... it's their conscious choice to make it that way.

I've encountered this fish market and its philosophy before somewhere ... I don't think the video was the same, and I recall literally no specifics about where or when I saw it – but I do remember the overall message. It is a powerful one, and one which anyone would be wise to consider: this is your life – make the most of it. At least, that's the lasting message I take away from the fish people.

Considering the fish model, our class has been tasked with finding ways to bring a more positive, vibrant overall tone to the room, and to our school experience in general. It's a great idea, and one which I hope we grab hold of and run with. I think one group this morning really nailed it as far as how that can be done: only through sincere commitment to it. We could think of dozens of ways to bring the tone up a notch, but unless we're really buying into the idea, it would become a mockery of itself.

Personally, I believe that it would be easy to accomplish this goal for this particular class. I'm pretty sure everyone really likes being there, and takes away from it valued ideas and information. The real stumbling block to a successful class-wide sunny outlook lies elsewhere, and that if we could each find a way to overcome that, the rest would fall into place.

Here's to positive choices and sunny days ahead!

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